August has gone – thank goodness! But it didn’t leave without a sting in the tail, putting me in hospital for a few days. Embarrassing really, turning up at the doctors feeling rough to be sent off in an ambulance – not something I expected. Whatever was troubling me (it felt just like a sting from an angry tail) was snuffed out by large doses of antibiotics and I hope it doesn’t come back.
More to the point, it’s September now, one of my favourite months. Perhaps that’s because I always enjoyed going back to school; I wasn’t a swat but missed my friends in the holidays. And September still feels to me like the beginning of something. Something good? I hope so. No longer feeling at death’s door, I am in optimistic mood about my painting and writing. I know what I want to do, where I want to go, and, at the moment, have the energy to try to make things happen.
I’m currently going through a period of untangling. For some time I’ve felt bound, hemmed in by knotty problems which, it seemed, I could do nothing about. Now fate is nudging ever so slowly on to something new and I’m hoping that something proves to be the realization of my dreams – to share my work more widely and become self-supporting.