Anne Lewington, Artist – Author – Teacher
Hello, I’m Anne Lewington. Welcome to my website, home to everything I create. It also houses a soap-box called Blog where I think in words. Sometimes I write about my work; more often about issues which interest or concern me. I’m always keen to know others’ opinions so please feel free to contact me here, or on Twitter.
I’ve reached a stage in my life when I’m looking forward to devoting more time to things I enjoy. Three sons, four grandsons (all precious) remain the anchor of my life but, with luck, I can now complete projects already begun and set new ones in motion. I get a real buzz from having a new idea, whether it’s for the writing, painting or solving a practical problem.
While you’re here, why not dip into my books courtesy of the ‘Look Inside’ facility on Amazon? Or visit the Gallery where some of my works are for sale.
Please take a little time to explore my world and thanks for visiting.
Anne Lewington
writer, artist, mum (though not necessarily in that order)
To contact Anne please use the form opposite or click here.
To buy Tribes online click here. To buy Immortali online click here.